01 August 2011

Digital Country Singapore

South - East Asia in Singapore as the top digital products and Internet subscribers. This information is published in digital consumer report. The information on the source. Formula, according to research firm Nielsen, 85 percent of Singapore's mobile digital consumer phonanirbhara using the Internet. 3 percent of clients using the Internet gharoyabhabe tablet computer. The survey reported that, at the moment as the Internet penitresanera Singapore South - East Asia sabeceye the above position. Singapore is now 85 percent of all social contact customer service become accustomed. 67 per cent share of the population in the whole country. Right now, Singapore has two - thirds of the population 15 years and there bayasasima. 67 percent of the population statistics of the whole country. The use of the Internet than originally janagosthii. South - East Asian countries than in the average number of more than 9 percent. Nilasanera Rebecca Tan, managing director, said most customers are still in Singapore through the Internet and the computer. With the popularity of the Internet available on mobile devices and the iPhone smartphone aipyadera panyeya Internet subscribers and the number of tablets will in future also.