We 've had several years ago during a solar revolution, which is the main principle - that day will come when we will provide free electricity use. The main source of electricity is the sun. Testing has shown that a single class raudrojnbala ksetraphale 1000 watts per day in the sun surface, the equivalent radiation of light energy! However, if we can collect this energy in our homes and offices fĪŪlĄVĄ prabhrtike court can fully bidyutayita.
That we are saurakosasamuha syatelaite calculator or photo voltaic cells, or module (module is located in the same frame a bunch of useful cells are those associated ilektrikali). Photo means light and electricity Voltaic means.Photo voltaic cell that refers to alokatarit cells, which alokasaktike electricity - in the transform. Alokatarit ardhaparibahi cells (Semiconductor) or formed material. Silicon is currently used by more than a ardhaparibahi. Basically, when these cells come to light when the light is absorbed by a particular part of the ardhaparibahi. The light energy may be nuclear free, and the Elect ilektranake it can move freely. Cells that each contain one or more taritksetra alokatarit or those forced to work in the free electron depending on an individual. This is ilektranera prabahai bidyutprabaha created. Tissue above and below the metal plate attached to the outside of the flow is bidyutke. Here is the original process, but the actual events and more profound.Silicon cells are created by an actual event, let's look more deeply - There are some special chemical properties silikanera. Electron in a silicon atom, 14, who has 3 different saktistare furnished. The first two stages have been completed near the center of the Elect. Ardhapurna the last layer, the electron is in 4. Each silicon atom is always full to the last layer, that is, to achieve 8 per electron. This uddyese, located close to each silicon atom with four atoms share the electron. This means that each atom with surrounding atoms, the confinement structure. I think it is, with each atom has four hands and four atoms of the other. The structure consists of sphatikakara, which are necessary for cell alokatarit. Etaksana pure silicon crystal, we discuss it. Roughly pure silicon insulator of electricity, natural conditions, because it does not have a free electron. If you want to use this silikanake saurakosa as little change to crystallize the silicon. Silicon is used as a saurakose adulterate or corrupted. Mixed with other atoms in the silicon paramanusamuhera silicon compound is prepared. As a result of this change is a function silikanera. Although we usually think bhejalake anakanksita, the adulteration - the e-cell function and complete control. In reality, this is a wish to adulteration. The presence of phosphorus atoms per million, considered to be a lesson in silikanera. Level 5 is the electron sarbabahisthah phosphorus atoms. Bound electron with the four neighboring atoms, but these four silikanera muktai to be an electron, which is not tied to any bond. When pure silicon is saktiprapta (for example, to obtain heat energy), then some of their free atoms leave the electron confinement. As a result, each electron leaving a hole is created. When the silicon crystal ilektranagulo goods selling in the gallop, and the continuous reading of the hole to find the goods selling for. The carrier said ilektaranaguloke free and modern transportation and electricity. This number is so low that they silikane pure ilektranera important role in the electrical transportation is not. This is one of pure silicon insulator for electricity. However, the phosphorus associated with different silikanera adulteration. The very small amount of phosphorus addition ilektranagulo saktitei be free - because this is not bound ilektranagulo no bond. Compared to the adulteration of pure silikanera silikane more carriers available for transporting electricity. Mesanoke dopim the adulteration of pure silikanera. When phosphorus is then mixed to obtain silikanake N-type silicon is called adulteration. The negative charge of the electron carriers as well as his work, and "n"-type is called. It is seen that, ask for a better power paribahaka ilektranera dopinkrta pure silicon. In fact, one part of the solar cell is N-type. The other part of the borana dopim is called the P-type silicon. There are 3 electron boranera sarbabahisthah saktistare. As a result of the P-type silikane extra electron, instead of creating excess holera, which are carriers of electrical work. Ilektranera anupasthitii the hole, so that opposite charges ilektranera holera charged positive. Holera positive charge that "p"-type is called. Holaguloo ilektranera the same movement. Amazing event only occurs when the N-type and P-type silikanake kept together. Attached is a taritksetrera sanyogasthale duidharanera silikanake this is. Taritksetra without the light - electrical cell (Photovoltaic cell) will not work in any way. This means that each of the light - Elect the cell must be at least a taritksetra. Now let's look at the N-type and P-type silikanake connected to what actually occurs. N-type-and P-type-of holaguloke ilektranagulo free and very quick to find the full holagulo. The connectors of the N-type-positive charge and negative charge-and N-type-of the creation. Now the question is that, for all the free electron - e is the full holaguloke. No, because that is taritksetrera sanyogasthale a direction that is further from the N-type P-type-of ilektranake come to work as a barrier. Taritksetra which was once an equilibrium is produced when two separate parsbake them.
Figure 1 - Light electrical effect on cell electrical field |
Picture of - light method of electronic cell |