01 August 2011

U.S. funds more than Apple!

There is tremendous pressure the United States. The department said its revenue, on account of their conduct in the hands of countries now have 7 billion dollars to 73 decimal. The less money by not antitank. But Apple can not risk losing it to compare with other people. Apple says the recent financial results, the fund company at 76 billion dollars, decimal 4. Surely understand, why Americans are happiness?
The United States has taken a new step in the consideration of the U.S. House of preventible hast. More than the amount of the loan decision of the committee members voted for a bill, promised to ensure that public services are not able to get any speed. 3 trillion dollar debt the U.S. government is now taking a maximum of 14 rules. The concept being, if this act is not extended, then the federal government must pay considerable Hashim eat.