01 August 2011

The Web site of the block system

Perhaps your home or office computer to use it. Enjoy the site, or any other work that may cost a lot of the time. Subscribe to all sites, except that it is time to keep away from children. The web browser you can click in the History, office, home or any others, please visit the Sites. The website gets a lot of the time (block) is required. If you wish, you can easily keep your computer on the block. I was not able to visit some of the Sites. The website for the first block to the C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\ hosts file, go to address right-click the left mouse click on the open-in. Now, select Notepad and click ok-in. If you open the hosts file, the last line of text you have localhost. Now that you want to block the website, the next line, enter the address localhost-s. For example - if you want to block the site www.yahoo.com and then type the next line localhost-s www.yahoo.com. Now save the file hosts. From now on, your computer will not open up. Similarly, you will be able to block several websites. Similarly, if you want to unblock it to localhost-delete the following lines to save.