18 July 2011

Adobe® Illustrator® 10 Software

PHOTOSHOP: Illustrator 10 is not compatible with plugins designed to work with Photoshop 6. Photoshop 5.5 (and previous) plug-ins only are supported at this time. When exporting to Photoshop (PSD), the “Write Compound Shapes” option may be greyed out if your artwork has stroke applied to it. Illustrator’s default stroke join setting is Miter, which Photoshop does not understand. Either change the stroke join to Round, or remove the stroke from the artwork. Also, when copying and pasting compound shapes between Illustrator and Photoshop, you need to have the AICB option checked in your preferences dialog box, or the compound shape will paste as rasterized data in Photoshop. Files saved from PS6 as PDF with “Output as Vector” selected may lose text objects in Illustrator.
TRANSPARENCY PRINTING ISSUES: For best results when printing files with transparency, read the Illustrator 10 Flattening Guide which is in the Illustrator 10 box and on the application CD.
SVG FONT EMBEDDING: Before generating a SVG file and embedding fonts the SVG exporter checks if the fonts have the proper embedding permissions. Restricted fonts or protected fonts (as in the case of certain CCJK fonts) cannot be embedded. Please verify with your font manufacturer regarding font embedding permissions of their fonts. Bitmap and OCF fonts cannot be embedded in SVG files. Certain non-protected CCJK PostScript fonts may not embed in this version of the SVG Exporter.
FONTS ONLY SHOWING UP IN ADOBE APPLICATIONS: Certain fonts have been installed in the Adobe folder, which all Adobe applications have access to, but non-Adobe applications do not have access to. Install these fonts in your system folder in order for other applications to access them.
SEPARATION CONSOLE PREVIEW: On some RIP preview consoles that support “pagedevice attribute – Negative”, output plates will show positive even if job was sent as negative from Illustrator 10. However, the job images correctly as negative films. Illustrator checks if the pagedevice attribute “Negative” is supported. If it is, Illustrator sets it to the correct value. This will produce the desired results on imagesetters regardless of whether they are preconfigured for negative or positive. You may see different results on preview consoles of some imagesetters such as the Taipan. Some don’t reflect pagedevice settings such as negative in the console display