25 July 2011

One click access to multiple folders

The number of computers together to create the folder. If you want one click, users can create multiple folders in Windows. Click the mouse to the left of the New / Text document, and the option to open Notepad and enter the following code in notepad -
MD Taiabur mafuz zakir rony huda yeasin tazul taief sharif (the folder name). The File / save as-name option to save the Notepad to Create folder.bat. Please note, Create folder has been created as a separate file. Click on this file, you can create a folder at the same time 10. Note, that names are given code with Notepad, create a folder that has been ubiquitous.
Deskatapei folder will be created. These can be taken to another place. If you wish to name his choice with a notepad to write down as much as space as you can make folders.