25 July 2011

Million dollars when the value of mathematics

Mathematics, some unresolved problems for the world millions of dollars - the awards have been announced. Some of these problems is to focus on. 
Utsah www.discover.com/issues/dec-06/features/million-dollar-math-problems/ The actual implementation of our new knowledge of mathematics for the dramatic and unusual for some of the problems. For example, the last theorem Pharma - speak of it, whether that is a long 350 years before mathematicians Pharma piyyara the margins of his books that went. But that durbhagya He is no evidence that the theorem yanani. The next theorem, he wrote, "I have proof of this theorem is an uncommon, but not in large quantities suitable for writing this book marjinati evidence." This note was discovered before he died. As a result of the evidence, we should be remarkable. Thakenani stagnated revive a mathematician. Enadru in 1994 after a long 7 years of tireless diligence uilas evidence of this theorem. But the evidence he used elliptical complex samikarana. Concept that is, Pharma, his evidence was not so complicated for some users. It was a very long length. The evidence is that this historical evidence is to be anabiskrtai!   This is a 006 sanerai August, a month, hundreds of years old, payenakeyara - the unresolved problem is the solution to the mathematics Empire turbulence created in the Russian mathematician Gregory perelamyana. The solution is proved haoyate now to the problem, payenakeyara - The theorem, known to be. The Solution for perelamyanake phildasa the medal, the medal can be compared with respect paoyake Nobel praptira principle. in this honor with more than 1500 of the Canadian dollar. but expressed reluctance perelamyana take this medal and the money. He said that he had given the solution adopted for haoyai prapti priceless.   Now the question is what if any problems for the rest of us do not. Durbhagyera luck or is this sort of thing is more and more numerous unresolved problems in the FreeBSD ganitajagatera .1900 for each of the German mathematician David hilabarta the only problem is that the 3-year ekaso arrived in the early twentieth century mathematician I think that these problems will be byasta. ghataloo so. The problem is between 3 and 0 in your solution, and 3, there is still amimansitai.   And 000 in kyamabrija - the 'clay mathematics Institute, mathematics 7 unresolved problems identified, and each of the problems for samadhanakarike awards eg 10 million U.S. dollars to the campaigns of his. The 7 problems in payenakeyara - the problem perelamyana, but the rest are still samadhanatitai remains.